Helping Tennesseans Live Independently and Farm Profitably
The Tennessee AgrAbility Project is a community-based program cooperatively offered by the University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service, Tennessee State University, USDA, and East Tennessee Technology Access Center.
Farming is one of the most hazardous occupations in America today. Additionally, the average age of a farmer is steadily increasing. As a consequence, thousands of Tennessee farmers experience either farm or non-farm related injuries or illnesses each year. For many of these farmers, these illnesses and injuries result in temporary or permanent disabilities that make their routine farming tasks difficult, if not impossible.
The Tennessee AgrAbility Project provides services to farmers, farm workers and family members with disabilities across the state. The mission of AgrAbility is to enable such individuals and their families to continue living and working as productively as possible.
Assistance is provided by utilizing a network of service providers. Individualized services include:
- Case evaluation
- Farm and home assessments
- Adaptation of equipment and facilities
- Links to financial assistance programs
- Assistance finding new career opportunities/placement
- Counseling and links to others with similar disabilities
- Agricultural counseling
- Farm safety and disability awareness education programs (including work with 4-H, FFA and YF&R)
- Awareness training to medical, rehabilitation, and agricultural professionals
- More services can be provided on an individual case basis
Individuals of any age, with any type of disability, and any type of agricultural occupation may qualify for assistance.
AgrAbility Links
AgrAbility Contacts
If you or someone you know are limited in ability to perform farm tasks due to injury or illness, please contact Tennessee AgrAbility for more information.

West Tennessee
Joetta T. White
Area Specialist III
1252 Manufacturer’s Row, Trenton, TN 38382
Phone: (731) 855-7656
Email: JoettaTWhite@utk.edu
Middle Tennessee
Finis Stribling, III
Project Coordinator TSU Cooperative Extension
3500 John A. Meritt Blvd., Nashville, TN 37209
Phone: (615) 963-1844
Email: fstribling@Tnstate.edu
Stephen Penick
TSU Department of Occupational Therapy
3500 John A. Merritt Blvd., Nashville, TN 37209
Phone: (615) 963-5953
Email: spenick@tnstate.edu
East Tennessee
Tim Prather
Extension Specialist Biosystems Engineering & Soil Science Dept.
University of Tennessee Extension
2506 E J Chapman Dr, Knoxville, TN 37996
Phone: (865) 974-7266
Email: tprather@utk.edu
Eileen Griffin Legault
Area Specialist
UT Extension 1801 Downtown West Blvd. Knoxville, TN 37919
Phone: (865) 200-4527
Email: elegault@utk.edu